Immediately after delivery,the baby should be placed on mother’s abdomen which enhances bonding and promotes lactation. Breastfeeding should be initiated immediately after birth, preferably within 1 hour.No prelacteal feeds should be given.Start only with colostrum. Prelacteal feeds expose the infant to infections and also lead to problems in establishing a successfullactation. Colostrum is the first immunisation for newborn as it is rich in the anti-infective factors protecting newborn from infections and is also rich in vitamin A.Colostrum helps to clean newborn intestine important to prevent jaundice in the newborn.
Practice “rooming in” allowmothers and infants to remain together 24 hours a day. Keep the mother and the baby in the same bed “bedding-in”. No need for separate cot for baby. ”Mothering-in” is keeping the baby on abdomen of mother.These all technique ensure mother-infant bonding.
The breastfeeding is not a passive process,the baby enjoys the maternal warmth, contact and cuddling. The mother must actively interact and intently look towards the child during breastfeeding. She should avoid watching the television while breastfeeding. During the first few days, most babies fall asleep after taking few sucks.They should be kept aroused by gentle tickling behind the ears or on the soles during feeds. Most babies take 15-20 minutes to ingest on adequate feed.The baby should be allowed to completely empty one breast before offering the other breast. Alternate breast should be offered first at the next feed.